The Spiritual Family The Work

Ordination to the diaconate of Frater Kilian Deppisch in Rome

Cardinal Kurt Koch ordained Frater Kilian Deppisch FSO as a deacon on 22 June 2024 in the parish of St Philip Neri in Rome. Frater Kilian belongs to The Spiritual Family The Work.

The festive ordination service was attended by his family and many relatives who had travelled from Germany. In addition, numerous priests and friends of the community from Rome shared the joy of Fr Kilian's ordination.

In his homily, Cardinal Koch emphasised that the deacon is ordained "to live and work as a sacramental sign of Jesus Christ... The ordained deacon reminds the whole Church that the diaconate is an inherent dimension of every ordained ministry, because the Lord himself became a deacon and comes to us as a deacon and continues to give himself to us in the Holy Eucharist".

After the ordination, refreshments were offered on the forecourt of the Collegium Paulinum, the house of formation of the priests community of The Work in Rome.

About the person

Deacon Kilian Deppisch FSO grew up in Marktheidenfeld (Germany). After graduating from high school, he studied theology for a year in Heiligenkreuz (Austria). He joined The Spiritual Family The Work in 2016. He completed his novitiate at the Collegium Paulinum in Rome and studied philosophy and theology at the University of Santa Croce in Rome. This was followed by a year of work experience in in Lourdes, in Wiesbaden (Germany), at the Catholic  Students Chaplaincy in Vienna and in Avezzano (Italy).

He will serve as a deacon in the parish of Gisingen/Feldkirch (Austria), where - among other tasks - he will work as a religion teacher at the local secondary school.