Mrs Mechtild Wallner celebrated her 100th birthday on 22 January 2024. The dedicated mountain farmer in Carinthia thus holds the age record among the members of the FSO Evening Blessing Prayer Circle. Mrs Wallner has been praying and receiving it daily for almost 40 years with faithfulness, joy and trust. Mrs Wallner has given life to nine children.
Two of her daughters, Marianne and Gertraud, have joined the Spiritual Family The Work. Together with four other sisters of The Work, Sr Marianne takes care of The College in Littlemore Oxford, where St John Henry Newman was received into the Catholic Church in 1845. Sr Gertraud works as a nurse in Bavaria.
What is the Evening Blessing?
Mother Julia greatly appreciated the priestly blessing. She often asked her spiritual director, Arthur Hillewaere, to give the sisters his blessing. More and more priests joined her and also gave the blessing. Over time, the circle of the Evening Blessing, a prayer group of lay people and consecrated persons, was formed to receive this blessing every evening. Today, it includes many friends of The Work all over the world.