
Message of the Holy Father to The Spiritual Family The Work

on the occasion of the Pontifical Approbation of the community on 10th November 2001

Dear sisters and brothers of The Spiritual Family The Work,

1. In the joyous community of the Triune God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, I send you my heartfelt greetings and best wishes. Your joy over the approval of your Spiritual Family moves you to give renewed witness to your solidarity with the Successor of Peter and your readiness to serve him. I gladly thank Christ, the Lord of the Church, with you for the charism bestowed on you and pray that it may bring forth rich fruit.






2. In the spirit of your foundress you are determined to meet the challenges of our times in the strength of the Catholic Faith. It is given to you to joyfully serve the Church and mankind as a contemplative and, at the same time, apostolic community, which seeks to work as leaven in the world. You have generously accepted the invitation of the Lord to get “to work” for his kingdom. If you remain always available for the plan of God and put your talents at the service of the salvific mission of the Church, your Spiritual Family can become a powerful instrument of the new evangelization, especially in Europe. Your lived surrender to God is the best answer to the urgent questions of mankind and to the needs of the times.

3. In dialogue with the Father, Jesus summarized his salvific mission: “I glorified you on earth, having accomplished the work which you gave me to do” (Jn 17:4). The work of Christ – the glorification of God and the redemption of mankind – is continued by the Church in the power of the Holy Spirit through all times. Your Spiritual Family is born from the Church. As members of The Work you are ready to make the mission of the Church of Christ your own.

»I glorified you on earth, having accomplished the work which you gave me to do.«
Jn 17:4

4. The Church is the great work of God. If her divine origin is questioned at times today, The Work contributes to the understanding and living of the mystery of the Church in its profundity. Remain faithful to the aim of your Community: be a reflection of the Church to the praise of the Triune God and for the salvation of mankind. Bear witness to the beauty of the Church as the People of God, the Bride of Christ and the Temple of the Holy Spirit. Remain always deeply rooted in the Holy Eucharist, the source of unity with God and with each other.

5. The spirit of adoration is alive in your Community. God is in the centre: your thoughts and deeds revolve around Him. In this way The Work can be an effective instrument against resignation, which also sometimes overcomes the servants of the Church. May your prayer and action in the great work of God bear fruit for the salvation of mankind! May the Lord of history guide the way of your Spiritual Family into the future. I heartily impart to you my Apostolic Blessing.


The Vatican, 10th November, 2001
John Paul II