Based upon the strength of our charism, we strive to combine contemplative life with various apostolic activities and to be “salt of the earth” and “light of the world” (cf. Mt 5:13-14).
Our first mission is to give witness to Jesus, who was poor, chaste and obedient in this world. We wish to proclaim him through our consecrated life and we desire to make people aware that we have received redemption and eternal life through him.
As consecrated men and women, we wish to be “experts in communion” (Pope Francis). We live in communities large and small. The mutual complementarity constitutes an essential element of our vocation.
In the Liturgy of the Hours, in the Rosary, and in Eucharistic adoration we vicariously bring the concerns, petitions and hopes of the people to God. It is a work of mercy to pray for the living and the dead.
Many people come to us. They pray with us, and we share the faith with each other. Children, youth and adults receive catechesis. Priests meet for brotherly fellowship. We give spiritual direction and guidance to people searching for God. We desire that many who share our lives can experience the Church as a family of God.
Our various centres are for us places where we are at home and where we can welcome others. Our houses and apartments come in very different sizes and styles. Here we wish to live out biblical hospitality. In every house there is a chapel. We are active in more than ten countries, in Europe, the United States, and the Holy Land (Jerusalem).
Presently, we fulfill various tasks – communally or alone – in parishes, in the service of various dioceses and religious communities and in the service of the Holy See, in pastoral services of pilgrims, in schools, hospitals and in homes for senior citizens. We give talks, organise catechesis, work in social services etc. We dedicate ourselves to the promotion of the life and writings of Bl. John Henry Newman and the theological heritage of Leo Cardinal Scheffczyk.
Many people ask us what do we do? We fulfill many and varied tasks. The most important however is what we are. In everything we wish to give witness to Christ’s love for all people and our love for the Church.
We listen to God’s will. He may use us as he pleases. We are ready to give up current tasks and to take on new duties in other places.