As we follow Jesus, we draw from the rich spiritual resources of the Church. They enable us to grow in the love of God and renew our lives. From them we receive strength for our tasks in the community, in the Church and in the world.
Every day we listen to God’s Word in which God speaks to us in human words. Personal contemplation and shared spiritual exchange on the Word of God help us to be more and more permeated by its richness.
The celebration of the Holy Eucharist is the centre of every day. As for all the faithful, it is for us the source and summit of the whole Christian life.
In the Liturgy of Hours (Morning Prayer, Office of Readings, Prayer during the Day, Evening Prayer and Night Prayer) we praise God and unite ourselves in prayer with the Church all over the world.
The presence of Jesus in the Sacrament of the Altar draws us. Every evening or during the day, as a community or personally, we spend time with the Eucharistic Lord.
We celebrate Sunday as a day of prayer and reflection, of rest and joy in the Lord, as a family in the service of God and our neighbour. We wish to promulgate Sunday as a day that marks the life of many Christians once again.